Wednesday, December 31, 2014

New Year Message 2015


New Year Greetings to all my friends...

It's been 2 years time taken for me to be back to this blog.

An inspiration to write a blog is something which touches (in both ways - happy and sad) our heart.

This post is the result of few happenings in the recent days.

We had a family reunion and after basic talks, most of the one who had mobile was using whatspp, FB etc to update the message that they are chilling out with relatives, having a good family time., bla bla bla...There was no direct conversations, but people are curious to update the status. I think these kids came for family reunion to upload the photos in FB. 

Many of us might have witnessed, children of same age group, playing mobile games at any wedding/parties etc, where during our childhood days we used to play with the peer group.

I believe the intimacy of family, friends have come down with the advancement of these new gadgets.

I was in a new year's eve party. And i witnessed a small scene between a father and a girl child..

When the clock strikes 12, little girl wished her father and passed on a kiss. The loving father reciprocated the wishes and kiss and informed the child, it's 12'o'clock, let Appa go and quickly update the status in FB and pass on the greetings to my friends and team.He wants his post to be published earlier. He took his Ipad and moved to the place where there is good signal strength.

She was in a crowd all alone looking desperate, lonely and insecure. If the tycoon dad waited for few minute sshe would have been shared with him her new year resolution, or some confession on the past year, her wish/dream for the New year, or some past sweet memories..

How many of us has left our dear and closed one's alone, while busy updating the status or being immersed oneself in the political/sports/entertainment column?

Let not the technology made to make life easier, make it complicated.

Let us pay close attention to our dear and closed ones than busy informing the world about our status message. Let us not make Sir Einstein's quote to become true in our lives.

After all, life is short, let us make it sweet.

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