It is my long term desire to pen about one of my favourite movie. Very recently (2009) I watched this movie completely. This film gave me a great feeling.. It made me think about the concepts of God and the worship styles.. This movie made me ask several questions like, “what is GOD, Is it the idol inside temple." I will say this movie made me an impact on my vision towards GOD
Kamal Hasan is my all time favourite actor..I love many dialogues in this movie. It has a lighter comic conversation like the one Arasu & Shivam will have at hotel.
Though i dont know to write Tamizh, i never wished to translate those powerful conversation in English..
My thanks to Vinithra for assisting me in tamilz typing..
Arasu: ஒரு காலும் இல்ல..
sivam: எனக்கும் ஒரு காலும் ஒரு கையும் இல்ல
¿£í¸ ¸¡ÐÄ Å¡í¸¢ì¸Ä¡ ¾¨ÄÂ¢Ä Å¡í¸¢ðÊí¸..Powerful dialogues i liked is..
Arasu: À½õ ¦¸¡Îò¾¡ ܼ ź¾¢ ¸¢¨¼ì¸¡¾ ¿¡Î INDIA, That’s INDIA
Sivam: À½õ ¦¸¡Îò¾¡ ±ýÉ §Åñ½¡ ¸¢¨¼ìÌõÛ ¿¢¨É츢ÈŨÃìÌõ, that will be INDIA for you“ ¾¡ˆ Á†¡ø þÊïÍ §À¡ðîÍýÉ¡ ¸¡¾ø Àñȧ¾ ¿¢Úò¾¢÷Å£í¸Ç¡.."
And the touching conversation Arasu speaks after the small boy’s death
"±ýÉ Á¡¾¢¡¢ design þÐ, ±ýÉ Á¡¾¢¡¢ ¸¼×û þÐ.....
Sivam: ±ÉìÌ ¸¼×û ¿õÀ¢ì¨¸ þø§ÄÛ Â¡÷ ¦º¡ýÉÐ?
Arasu: ¡÷ «ó¾ ¸¼×û?
Sivam: ¿£í¸ ¾¡ý
Next the interrogation with Nazar.. I love this dialogue like anything..
" ¿£í¸ ±ý¨É측ÅÐ QUEUE Ä ¿¢ýÛ º¡Á¢ ÌõÀ¢ðÊÕ츣í¸Ç¡..
¦ºöÂÈ ¾ô¦ÀøÄ¡õ Àñ½¢ðÎ ¯ñÊÂøÄ ¸¡¨ºô§À¡ðÎ §À¡ö§¼Â¢ÕôÀ¢í¸...
«Ð º¡Á¢ þø¨Ä, ÜÄ¢.."
And The climax talk with Santhana bharathi..
Sivam: ´Õò¾É ¦¸¡øÄ ÅóÐðÎ Áɺ Á¡ò¾¢ðÎ §À¡È¢í¸§Ç, ¿£í¸ ¸¼×û
S.Bharathi: Áɺ Á¡ò¾¢ð§¼ý,¸¼×ûÛ ±øÄ¡õ ¦º¡øÄ¡¾£í¸ ¾õÀ¢
Sivam: «ôÀÊ ±øÄ¡õ ¿õÀ¢ì¨¸ þøÄ¡Á ¿¡ò¾¢¸õ §Àº¡¾£í¸, °÷Ä ¿¢¨È §À÷ þôÀÊò¾¡ý þÕ측í¸
After watching this movie, I agree “ LOVE IS GOD”.