Sunday, May 9, 2010


It is my long term desire to pen about one of my favourite movie. Very recently (2009) I watched this movie completely. This film gave me a great feeling.. It made me think about the concepts of God and the worship styles.. This movie made me ask several questions like, “what is GOD, Is it the idol inside temple." I will say this movie made me an impact on my vision towards GOD

Kamal Hasan is my all time favourite actor..I love many dialogues in this movie. It has a lighter comic conversation like the one Arasu & Shivam will have at hotel.

Though i dont know to write Tamizh, i never wished to translate those powerful conversation in English..

My thanks to Vinithra for assisting me in tamilz typing..

Arasu: ஒரு காலும் இல்ல..

sivam: எனக்கும் ஒரு காலும் ஒரு கையும் இல்ல

¿£í¸ ¸¡ÐÄ Å¡í¸¢ì¸Ä¡ ¾¨ÄÂ¢Ä Å¡í¸¢ðÊí¸..

Powerful dialogues i liked is..

Arasu: À½õ ¦¸¡Îò¾¡ ܼ ź¾¢ ¸¢¨¼ì¸¡¾ ¿¡Î INDIA, That’s INDIA

Sivam: À½õ ¦¸¡Îò¾¡ ±ýÉ §Åñ½¡ ¸¢¨¼ìÌõÛ ¿¢¨É츢ÈŨÃìÌõ, that will be INDIA for you

And the other most beautiful dialogue is when Arasu speaks about communism and Shivam says
¾¡ˆ Á†¡ø þÊïÍ §À¡ðîÍýÉ¡ ¸¡¾ø Àñȧ¾ ¿¢Úò¾¢÷Å£í¸Ç¡.."

And the touching conversation Arasu speaks after the small boy’s death
"±ýÉ Á¡¾¢¡¢ design þÐ, ±ýÉ Á¡¾¢¡¢ ¸¼×û þÐ.....
Sivam: ±ÉìÌ ¸¼×û ¿õÀ¢ì¨¸ þø§ÄÛ Â¡÷ ¦º¡ýÉÐ?

Arasu: ¡÷ «ó¾ ¸¼×û?

Sivam: ¿£í¸ ¾¡ý

ÓýÉ À¢ýÉ ¦¾¡¢Â¡¾ ´Õ ¨ÀÂÛìÌ ¸ñ½£÷ Å¢¼È «ó¾ ÁÉÍ ¾¡ý ¸¼×û..

Next the interrogation with Nazar.. I love this dialogue like anything..
¿£í¸ ±ý¨É측ÅÐ QUEUE Ä ¿¢ýÛ º¡Á¢ ÌõÀ¢ðÊÕ츣í¸Ç¡..

QUEUE§Å ¦ÅÇ¢§Â ¿¢ì¸ÅîÍðÎ personal ¾¡¢ºÉõ À¡ì¸ÈÅí¸ ¾¡§É ¿£í¸..

¦ºöÂÈ ¾ô¦ÀøÄ¡õ Àñ½¢ðÎ ¯ñÊÂøÄ ¸¡¨ºô§À¡ðÎ §À¡ö§¼Â¢ÕôÀ¢í¸...

«Ð º¡Á¢ þø¨Ä, ÜÄ¢.."

And The climax talk with Santhana bharathi..

Sivam: ´Õò¾É ¦¸¡øÄ ÅóÐðÎ Áɺ Á¡ò¾¢ðÎ §À¡È¢í¸§Ç, ¿£í¸ ¸¼×û

S.Bharathi: Áɺ Á¡ò¾¢ð§¼ý,¸¼×ûÛ ±øÄ¡õ ¦º¡øÄ¡¾£í¸ ¾õÀ¢

Sivam: «ôÀÊ ±øÄ¡õ ¿õÀ¢ì¨¸ þøÄ¡Á ¿¡ò¾¢¸õ §Àº¡¾£í¸, °÷Ä ¿¢¨È §À÷
þôÀÊò¾¡ý þÕ측í¸

After watching this movie, I agree “ LOVE IS GOD”.


Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Another great book which gave me an insight about personal calling.. The story line is simple.. A young shepherd from Andalusia encounters with an Alchemist on his journey to find a treasure..The book is packed with optimism and positive message..

The key points I loved from this story is,

4 Obstacles in one’s life:

1)We are told from childhood onward that everything we want to do is impossible. We grow up with this idea., There comes a time when our personal calling is so deeply buried in our soul as to be invisible. But it’s still there..

//This is 100% right, I had a great dream of becoming a doctor.. I was continuously told by my parents, that’s not possible.In my later years I do started believing the same..//

2) Second obstacle is LOVE. We know what we want to do, but we are afraid of hurting those around us by abonding everything inorder to pursue our dream..

3) Fear of defeats on our path

4) The fear of realizing the dream for which we have been fighting all our lives.

* Everyone seems to have a clear idea of how other people should lead their lives, but none about his or her own..

// Excellent comment//

* At certain point in our lives, we lose control of what’s happening to us, and our lives become controlled by fate..This is the world’s greatest lie..

// Oh.. is it a lie..? Many times I had blamed fate..//

* When you really want something , the universe always conspires in your favour. Because life wants you to achieve your destiny.

//Great energetic lines, am going to write this statement in a chart and going to paste this in my room//

* We are afraid of losing what we have, whether it’s our life or our possessions and property. But this fear evaporates when we understand that our life stories and the history of the world were written by the same hand.

// Mmm.. What an optimistic wordings..//

* You must understand that love never keeps a man from pursuing his destiny. If he abandons that pursuit, it's because it wasn't true love… the love that speaks the Language of the World."

// Great lines about true love//

* Everyone on earth has a treasure that awaits him. We, people's hearts, seldom say much about those treasures, because people no longer want to go in search of them. We speak of them only to children. Later, we simply let life proceed, in its own direction, toward its own fate. But, unfortunately, very few follow the path laid out for them—the path to their destinies, and to happiness. Most people see the world as a threatening place, and, because they do, the world turns out, indeed, to be a threatening place.

// When I read it first time, I felt Mr.Paulo Coelho had wrote this by keeping me in mind.. Its after reading this book, I found my treasure and patiently moving towards my destiny//

* Every blessing ignored becomes a curse
// The main issue is to identify the blessings..//

The most powerful lines I loved is the conversation between Santiago and Alchemist. When Santiago asks him,” what if I decide to stay?"The alchemist will explain him, the importance of achieving our personal calling. It’s only after reading this particular part I was convinced why Machu should be in business. I understood that is his personal calling and I should not be a negative force to achieve his destiny..

I remember the day I was speaking to him about this book and I saw him emotional..He said deep inside his heart he knows well he is moving towards his destiny.. I know for sure he will succeed in his pursuit of reaching his destiny..This book made me feel calm and gave me an inspiration to frame my destiny..