My heartfelt New year Wishes to one and all..Let this New Year throw light on your vision and make all your desires into reality..
In this fresh year..
Lets not try to make others understand our feelings, rather than understanding their one..
Lets try to accept what we get rather than feeling for what we not..
Lets try to smile for all sweet and sour things that happen around us..
Lets try our best to live our life..
My New Year wish to all is...
Let you get placed on u’r desired company..
Let you get a gal/boy of your choice..
Let u’r love life turns into married life..
Let you get a VISA soon..
Let a newborn smile at u’r sweet home..
Let u’r business turns into tremendous prospective..
Let u’r pursuit of happiness find its end..
Let all u’r issues get resolved..
Let a pleasant change happen around all of us..
My best wishes..
Let you get placed on u’r desired company..
Let you get a gal/boy of your choice..
Let u’r love life turns into married life..
Let you get a VISA soon..
Let a newborn smile at u’r sweet home..
Let u’r business turns into tremendous prospective..
Let u’r pursuit of happiness find its end..
Let all u’r issues get resolved..
Let a pleasant change happen around all of us..
My best wishes..